#Netneutrality: The EU Commission is evaluating a proposal by Europe’s biggest telecoms to force websites to pay ISPs. These #networkfees are dangerous, unnecessary & violate #netneutrality.
The consultation closed on Friday.
Here are my comments: https://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2023/05/european-commission-proposal-force-websites-pay-isps-violates-net-neutrality-harms
The proposal is the latest attempt by Europe's largest ISPs to get paid twice for delivering the content their customers request - by their customers & by content providers. In 2012, BEREC rejected this proposal as dangerous and unworkable. It did so again last October.
These kinds of #networkfees have never existed in the EU & violate Europe’s net neutrality law. They would be a radical departure from how the internet has operated over the last 30 years & would harm European consumers, businesses, creators, and non-profits.
While the internet is far from perfect, the solution to its growing pains is not going to be found in overturning its fundamental economics & tossing out #netneutrality in a fruitless attempt to solve a non-existent problem. #networkfees