Justice Sotomayor in 303 Creative: "In this pivotal moment, the Court had an opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to equality on behalf of all members of society, including LGBTQ people. It did not do so."
Now there's an understatement.
#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #LGBTQ #equality #law #lawFedi #lawprof #303Creative
@CarolineMalaCorbin What if the Federalist Society's Supreme Court majority gives zero fucks for the commitment to equality, diversity & the Equal Protection Clause, like it appears to do?
#RuleOfLaw #DefendAmerica #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #14thAmendment #EqualProtectionClause #LGBTQ #SameSexMarriages #ObergefellVHodges #CleanSCOTUS #JudicialInsurrection #DarkMoney #Corruption #Bribery #TermLimits #ExpandSCOTUS #InvestigateTheSix #InvestigateLeonardLeo #InvestigateFederalistSociety